Kategoria: Artykuły spożywcze
Kraj: Cypr
 Brand Name : PIONEER
Hard Pack, 84 mm King Size Brown Tipped Filter Cigarettes,
Virginia Blend, with Health Warning in Any Language(s).
Tar Content : 9 mg
Nicotine Content : 0.5 mg
Carbon Monoxide : 12 mg
Brand Name : PIONEER
Hard Pack, 84 mm King Size Brown Tipped Filter Cigarettes,
American Blend, with Health Warning in Any Language(s).
Tar Content : 11 mg
Nicotine Content : 0.7 mg
Carbon Monoxide : 13 mg
Packing Details:
20 x 10 x 50 / Master Case (10,000 Cigarettes),[...] Szczegóły...  Traditional Balkan spirit beverage made under traditional Trakia receipt,
locally called “RAKIA” produced by means of fermentation and distillation
of wine material matured into oak barrels for 3-5 years.
By taste it is soft, pleasant, with a good ending characteristics of the grape brandy.
In addition we produce under traditional receipt, locally called “RAKIA”, produced by means of fermentation and distillation of fruit material.
By taste it is soft, pleasant, with a good[...] Szczegóły...  ROXXOFF TM drinks Natural and Unique Aphrodisiac, Vodka mixed Energy Drink.
As the natural herb based formula combined with 5% pure grain malt (double distillate vodka), was used by the nobility from the ancients times, promote boosting processes on your body by stimulating energy and libido.
Herbal extracts for the medical applications was used from the time 400 B.C. and not only that.
The herbal extracts used in ROXXOFF TM drinks, such as:
Epimedium brevicornum has been used as an Aphrodisiac[...] Szczegóły...  Natural spirit beverage made under traditional receipt, produced by means of fermentation and distillation of wine material matured into oak
barrels for 3-5 years.
The matured grape variety is designated by its sparkling grape flavour combined with the bouquet of leather and oak, obtained in the process of aging in oak barrels.
By taste is soft, pleasant with the good characteristic of grape brandy.[...] Szczegóły...  Silver Horse Vodka is a genuine Roxxoff vodka, produced by means of pure grain fermentation and 3-5 ply distillation. Prepared from extra-quality spirit which gives to this vodka distinctive alcohol taste and purity.
Multi-level system of vodka filtrations combines with pure high land spring water gives it crystal purity and smooth taste with the good ending characteristic.[...] Szczegóły...  DANDY LIFE CLUB Vodka is a genuine Roxxoff vodka, produced by means of pure
grain fermentation and 3ply distillation. Prepared from extra-quality spirit which gives to this vodka distinctive alcohol taste and purity.
Multi-level system of vodka filtrations combines with pure high land spring water gives it crystal purity and smooth taste with the good ending characteristic.
Except CLASSIC Dandy Life Club Vodka is produce indifferent flavours - CHERRY, ORANGE, LEMON, HONEY.
The flavours[...] Szczegóły...